Papers Test2024-03-27T12:20:22-07:00

Consumer Protection in Auto Lending

Jen Brown and Mark Jansen , 2020. In a study that examines the impact of consumer protection laws on loan terms and outcomes in auto financing, the authors find that while laws prohibiting wage garnishment benefit borrowers who default, borrowers who pay their debt in full face higher total observable loan costs where wage garnishment is prohibited. [download pdf]

Crossing the District Line: Border Mismatch and Targeted Redistribution

Allison Stashko, 2020. Using a probabilistic voting model in which parties compete to win legislative districts but can only allocate resources at the county level, the author shows that a mismatch in electoral district borders and local government borders—which occurs in every U.S. state—distorts the distribution of public funds. [download pdf]

Assessment Caps and the Racial Assessment Gap

Troup Howard and Carlos Avenancio-Leon, 2022. We show that legislative caps on assessment growth are associated with reduced racial inequality in property taxation. These reductions increase in treatment intensity and are largest in high minority neighborhoods and low-income neighborhoods, which prior work shows are more susceptible to assessment misvaluations. [download pdf]

May 2023

Consumer Protection in Auto Lending

Jen Brown and Mark Jansen , 2020. In a study that examines the impact of consumer protection laws on loan terms and outcomes in auto financing, the authors find that while [...]

March 2023

October 2022

Assessment Caps and the Racial Assessment Gap

Troup Howard and Carlos Avenancio-Leon, 2022. We show that legislative caps on assessment growth are associated with reduced racial inequality in property taxation. These reductions increase in treatment intensity and are [...]

May 2022

February 2022

November 2021

September 2021

August 2021

How Do Private Firms Respond to Corporate Taxes?

Elena Patel, Jeffrey Coles, Nathan Seegert, and Matthew Smith, 2018. In a study that uses a large, newly-available administrative dataset on U.S. corporate tax filings, the authors find that U.S. firms are more [...]

June 2021

April 2021

Prosecutor Elections and Police Accountability

Allison Stashko and Haritz Garro, 2021. Prosecutors play an important role in holding police accountable by determining whether or not an officer has broken the law. At the same time, prosecutors [...]

December 2020

September 2020

Workplace Knowledge Flows

Nathan Seegert, Jason Sandvik, Richard Saouma and Christopher Stanton, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020. Results from a field experiment suggest simple management practices encouraging workers to ask peers about their own [...]

Marijuana Taxation and Imperfect Competition

Nathan Seegert, Elena Patel and Christopher Mace, National Tax Journal, 2020. Using administrative data from Washington state to study the recreational marijuana industry, the authors determine that in perfectly competitive markets, marijuana producers [...]

Applied Game Theory

Adam Meirowitz and Kristopher Ramsay, Handbook of Political Science, Sage Press, 2020. In this chapter in The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations, the authors put forward a [...]

August 2020

Better Bunching, Nicer Notching

Nathan Seegert, Marinho Bertanha, and Andrew McCallum, 2019. The authors study the bunching identification strategy for an elasticity parameter that. [download pdf]

July 2020

Employee Responses to Compensation Changes

Nathan Seegert, Jason Sandvik, Richard Saouma, and Christopher Stanton, 2020. In a study of employee responses to compensation changes that ultimately reduced take-home pay by 7% for the average affected worker, [...]

May 2020

April 2020

February 2020

January 2020

Is There Still Son Preference in the United States?

Jason Cook, Francine D. Blau, Lawrence M. Kahn, Peter Brummund, and Miriam Larson-Koester,  2020. In this paper, we use 2008–2013 American Community Survey data to update and further probe evidence on [...]

November 2019

September 2019