
Featured Research: Voting

Rethinking Strength in Numbers: Bilateral Bargaining in Groups

Many of the motivating examples and applications of non-cooperative bargaining involve groups bargaining against each other. However, much of the literature ignores the structures of profit sharing within the group. This structure determines the incentives for each player and there by determines the bargaining power of each group. We [...]

Sincere Voting in Large Elections

Austen-Smith and Banks (1996) showed that sincere voting is not typically an equilibrium of the Condorcet voting model when the electorate is large. Here, we reverse their finding by adding to the Condorcet model a third type of voter—one that receives no information in favor of either of the alternatives—as well as [...]

The Power of the Agenda Setter: A Dynamic Legislative Bargaining

We consider an infinitely repeated legislative bargaining game with three players who split a fixed surplus in every period. The status quo allocation evolves endogenously over time, as agents can approve new proposals by simple majority rule. One player is permanently endowed with veto power, and must approve any [...]

Additional research in this field

(2017) Meirowitz A, Acharya A. Sincere Voting in Large Elections. Games and Economic Behavior. 101:121-131

(2005) Meirowitz A.  Polling games and information revelation in the Downsian framework. Games and Economic Behavior. 51:464-489.

(2005) Meirowitz A,  Krehbiel K, Romer T.  Parties in elections, parties in government, and partisan bias. Political Analysis. 13(2):113-138.

(2005) Meirowitz A, Wisem A.  Contributions and elections with network externalities. Economics and Politics. 17(1):77-110.